Saturday, December 18, 2010


I woke up, had breakfast and got ready to go to the museum with Yonseili.  We had invited Joaquin but he had already gone so he obviously wasn’t interested.  We walked to Quicentro where Yonseili got something to drink and from there we got a taxi to take us to El Museo del Hombre.

The museum was good.  Guayasamin was very talented and I really do enjoy looking at his art.  I couldn’t pass up buying a poster of one of his paintings.  I look forward to putting it up on my wall in my future home.  Yeah, I thought that far ahead.  The museum guide girl talked really fast and therefore Yonseili and I just decided to go our own ways.  I am very glad we went before leaving.  Our pics are good, the view was great, and the weather was perfect.  We headed home.

I went to the market with Joaquin to buy a few more last-minute things.  I couldn’t believe that it would be my last time there.  I felt amazing knowing I learned how to negotiate and knowing what things should cost.  I even recognized some of the vendors.  I looked at the time and freaked out.  We were supposed to meet Carlos at the house at 1:30 and that’s the time it was.  Sh*t!  Joaquin had no problem agreeing with me that it was my bad, but I also knew that Carlos wouldn’t be mad.  So we headed out and thankfully I was satisfied with my last-minute shopping.  We took forever to get a freakin’ taxi and when we finally did we got home at about 2:15ish.  Although the original plan was to eat out (Carlos, Joaquin and I), Carlos said that Adriana was on her way from the party she went to with Juan Jose.  Joaquin almost died of starvation so I had to steal bread for him.  I got it from the top of the microwave.  He really couldn’t get it himself because he felt bad.  When she arrived we all went out to a good seafood place right around the corner.  Ceviches Manabita I think is the name of it.  I could be completely wrong.  I got ceviche de camarones because I actually craved it.  Back home, before I came, I never would have craved seafood.  There was a man playing the guitar and it was nice.  I got a little emotional because Carlos lately has been making toasts and saying it was a pleasure to have me at their home…

The rest of the evening I packed… that is until Yonseili and I went with Adriana to CoffeeTree.  It was girl’s night out and we enjoyed it very much.  The dj and music was good.  We heard a lot of good old school songs.  As always it was a pleasure sharing time with Adriana.  She asked us what we liked best and didn’t like about Ecuador.  Yonseili and I agreed that the worst thing were the scares with suspicious men/activity.  The best thing was Adriana and her home.  She got teary-eyed.

The weather was insane.  There was a lot of fog and we thought that hopefully it wasn’t like that on our flight day.

Highlight of the day: Girl's night out!

1 comment:

  1. dude where is the pics.... i need to still get them from you. COFFEE TREE(estou com saudades)
