After school Yonseili accompanied her host mom for lunch and I had lunch with Brian from Philadelphia at a nearby Mexican restaurant, Ajo Macho. When I got home I saw Yonseili in the patio washing her shoes and I joined her so I could wash mine. Clementina helped us out, but I think that was only because she needed the lavadero to wash rags so she needed us to hurry up. We put our shoes up on the terrace so they could dry.
I needed to get a hair trim and Yonseili wanted to get a manicure. So we went to Rosita's salon - Aidelita (Yonseili's host mom) took us there and dropped us off only because they weren't doing pedicures today. I thought she wanted to hang out. Anyway, my hair's okay and Yonseili's nails came out great; I guess we'll be going to Rosita's salon during our stay here.
Nadia, the Lebanese student that was staying at my house left today.
Highlight of the day: Dinner chat with the host family and Nadia. We have good laughs at the table.
P.S. Happy Birthday Juan Dominguez.
Yeah, too lazy to make an account so I'll just leave this anonymously.
ReplyDeleteI can't help but laugh at the fact that you remembered my birthday when most of the people in my family forgot about it. I mean, even my own brothers didn't say happy birthday to me. So what I can gather from the fact that you remembered is:
1. You're still that amazing friend that I remember.
2. You're probably still uptight when it comes to schedules and probably keep a planner with you at all times. You probably checked it and saw the date and thought, "Hmm, August 30th, why do I feel like there is something about this day that I'm supposed to remember...Oh that's right! It's that hobo's birthday!"
Anyways, I just found out about this (didn't even know you had a blog) because Jorge *insertlastnameherebecauseIforgotwhatitis* told me about it a few minutes ago. So yeah, thanks to him I was just given a small moment of happiness.
Well, you're still my big sis regardless as to how much time passes and I sincerely hope that you're enjoying life to its fullest. Also, I'd like to remind you to dream big because you're too amazing to not change this world for the better, somehow. And thank you for remembering my birthday.
-Juan Dominguez
Aka the Cambodian guy that looks Asian when he laughs and STILL has hair that he doesn't deserve.
My mom wants me to cut my hair. I told her about our agreement. :D